Stand Out - Inside and Out

Build a Stronger Reputation and Brand

Would you like to improve your communication but are unsure how to proceed? 

A good starting point is to conduct a communication audit of your current activities to map where you are today and explore opportunities for improvement.  

Re-branding or reinforcing activities 
The audit may reveal that better communication can be achieved by fine-tuning and integrating current activities – or it may suggest a complete re-branding process to build a stronger brand. In any case, your ambitions and resources need to be taken into account.

Strengthen your brand

CEPP branding can support your brand on both strategic and operational levels. Main services include:

Need help creating a stronger mind space?

Customers are constantly exposed to new impressions, making it a challenge to create and keep a mind space for a product or a company. Ways of getting through are to:

Feedback on your current performance in these areas is part of a communication audit that CEPP branding can provide.

CEPP branding designed a new visual identity for a client where this was one out of six postcards used in the re-branding campaign. Other promotion materials were designed as well. The text says: “Time for development? Dive into our course catalogue”.

A selection of services offered

Facilitate strategic processes


Research & surveys

Communication strategies & plans

Membership strategies & plans


Graphic design

Public relations & media​

Communication & promotion materials

Editorial services

Courses & workshops

Corporate social responsibility