The CEPP Egg - Branding with Purpose

CEPP branding stands for corporate, employer, personal and product branding. All four areas are closely interlinked and vital for strengthening your reputation and brand, and ultimately increase your economic performance – or for development projects to successfully achieve the set objectives

In other words, CEPP are golden eggs but only if you deliver on your brand promises.   

Thoughts behind the CEPP egg

All branding and communication activities must support your strategic platform: your vision, mission, and core values. These are placed at the top of the egg, surrounding all four branding areas.  

No area is an island
The circle illustrates that corporate, employer, personal, and product branding are closely interlinked and that your performance in one area impacts the others. For instance, poor job satisfaction among employees will most likely reflect negatively on product quality and management, ultimately harming your brand and bottom line.

If you would like to learn more about how CEPP branding can help you, please contact me.

Mapping your current performance

Are you aware whether your communication activities within all four branding areas support your overall vision, mission and core values? If no, you are like a ship navigating without a sail. 

Kick off from the ideal starting point
An important starting point for any strategic process is to map where you are today to find out where to go and how to get there. Maybe you have a strong brand position for your product but need to position your CEO even better – or vice versa. 

CEPP branding can map your performance as a single assignment or as part of an entire branding project.

Take the famous helicopter ride

Often it is worthwhile to imagine jumping into a helicopter to see things from a broader, different perspective. This can provide valuable insights into the state of business, inspire creative thinking, and generate new ideas. Additionally, it is an excellent exercise for building stronger teams.  

Gain a new perspective with an external advisor
If you need an external partner to support you on the journey, CEPP branding has successfully facilitated numerous strategic processes as an integral part of branding projects.